Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Remembrance and a Thank You

On Sunday, Celena Hollis was murdered in City Park in Denver. Celena was a Denver police officer. She attempted to break up a fight and was fatally shot in the incident. Notably, Celena was also from Detroit where she served on the police force there. So, not only did she have ties close to where we live now... She was from my home state. I felt strongly about writing this post today. I thought you should know about her as well.

I don't need to tell you that this was a horrible and disgusting crime. You might also know that my husband is a police officer. This, like other events in the military, where I have nephews, god-daughters and friends serving... hits home hard. It can happen to anyone. At anytime.

If you have ever been to an outdoor festival like Jazz Fest, that is held several times during the summer, I don't need to tell you there is drinking... some pot. Nothing that you wouldn't expect really. Fighting... sure. I never really saw anyone fighting when I attended. Maybe an angry girlfriend or two. Mostly, people were there to just have a good time.

As a police officer, my husband tries to help people. That's why he's a police officer. He isn't quick to judge. He tries to talk to the people at the call he responds to. Asks them "what happened?", "what made you do this?", "what could change this situation?" And most of the time people tell him they hate cops. That they hate him and everyone he works with for that matter. He's been hit, spit on, threatened, kicked, swore at ad naseum... he's saved people and lost people... He's come home in tears because he cares so damn much. Because he couldn't change an outcome of a shitty day... because he's seen animal cruelty that you don't want to know about. And there are just some days he couldn't see that he made a difference.

But I tell him everyday, he makes a huge difference. It's just that people don't always remember right away. But they will remember how you treated them. That you listened. He smiles everyday as he walks out the door. He loves his job. I'm not gonna lie... I couldn't do it. Most of us couldn't. My uncle was also an amazing man who was an EMT, fire fighter and police chief. My brother is a military veteran, was (until recently) a flight paramedic, is currently a paramedic and a fire fighter... search and rescue no less in Nashville. My sister-in-law was a trama flight nurse and now works in the hospital and is one of the hardest working, dearest most caring persons I know. My family members and my husband are part of the service that keep us asleep at night. Just knowing they are there is a huge weight off of us. You're right if you are thinking, Damn... that is the hardest job I've ever imagined.

Today, the La Junta officers are all wearing black bands across their badges for Celena. I sewed John's this afternoon for him. He said he wanted a real band. He went to the store and searched for just the right material. He couldn't just wear a piece of tape. He wanted to show Celena more respect than that.

Please keep Celena's family and her 12yr. old daughter in your prayers. Pray everyday that you have men and women out there, willing to take a bullet for you anytime. Thank your police officers, EMT, paramedics, fire fighters (who are working their asses off right now) and ER nurses and doctors. They cross the paths of people who have nothing but disrespect and hatred for them. Why? Because they are wearing a uniform that means something bad. Because they broke the law and got caught... the first person they see is the one they don't want to. Hey... here's a clue... try NOT breaking the law. Then you wouldn't have to hate them right?

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