Thursday, November 7, 2013

First Words

Xan's first word was "mama" possibly not recognizing that it was ME. But he said it a lot from about 5 months old until 10 months when it became "dada". John and I were just so proud! But we knew an actual word was on the way soon. Sort of "hi" and "bye"... There were signs of this or that being said, but in the end it was babbling that we thought were words. They sounded right! But the consistent recognition wasn't there yet... until a few weeks ago.

Not a word. But a phrase. Not just any phrase, but a question...

"what's that?"

I'm not kidding. 15 months old and constantly pointing and asking... "what's that?", then on to "what's this?" now has expanded to "who's that?" Sometimes when he says "what's that" it sounds like "oh s#*t"... and everyone laughs... of course he says it again and again because he loves the laughs!! We indulge every request to answer what it is or who it is. After all, we don't want him to stop asking the good questions! 

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