Sunday, February 24, 2013

Reset Your Bookmarks!

Incredible paper doll from Artist Amy Earles. I'm trying to get my hands on one!
I'm so sorry readers... I've struggled with the "Prairie Valentine" title for a year. I don't know, I guess I was trying to improve my mood here. Mostly, I was moving on from my single life to married life. But I realize now... sorry so late... that this is Rebekah's Valentine... to everyone. Not just about a Valentine I was searching for when I was single. Now it is Rebekah's Valentine TO the world.

my blog address is:

Thank you for the love & kindness... I return it a hundred fold!

Love & Kindness

It's still February for a couple of days and I've still got the love bug dancing around in my heart...

I feel the need to pal up with my inner Cupid and talk about love and kindness. Not just the love between two people, but loving ourselves for who we are, loving what we do each day, loving our life and how we live it, loving what is around us, because we are part of it... Love and kindness should be our goal each day. Mother Teresa said it most eloquently:

"Let no one ever come to you 
without leaving better and happier. 
Be the living expression of God's kindness: 
kindness in your face, 
kindness in your eyes, 
kindness in your smile.”

Earlier last year, I was ready to begin yoga teacher training. Unfortunately, the closest place is Colorado Springs... 2.5 hours drive. And it is an 8 week course. I would need a sitter which is not possible at this moment. I will keep working on my yoga until I can become an instructor. Possibly when we get back home to Michigan someday... I mention this because I believe that my past yoga practice, and those teachers, has been an inspiration to meditate on positive energy and sending love and compassion into the world. I love going to yoga class and feeling not only as if I have a great physical workout, but a spiritual top-off.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Two days after Valentine's has in the past ten years been a lonely day. It is my birthday. Mostly celebrating in accord with Valentine's Day, this year will not be the case! Finally, with two successful Valentine's Days under my belt, my birthday proves to be a day on its own! Woo Hoo!

In the past, my birthday years have been a celebration with clearance Valentine things and a visit to a restaurant then out dancing or something like that. Always the day my grandparents would leave for Florida throughout my entire childhood including the day OF my birth. Other years a brunch with girlfriends.  And once upon a time even a day to consume an entire bottle of wine and a very large slice of turtle cheesecake.... by myself.

If you're familiar at all with the title of my blog, it is because so many guys would dump me on or the day before Valentine's. I have to say this particular week has a bit of a curse attached to it. I keep thinking that it can't be true. And I have gone over and over it making sure I'm not creating a self-fulfilling prophecy each year. As far as I can tell, if I do, it's because I'm so desperate for it NOT to fail that I try to hard... possibly?

I can't help but be honest and say that the last two days have been difficult. John and I had a little tension brew up yesterday. It wasn't about us directly. It was about a rumor that bubbled and spat like lava around us last summer. It was a particularly hurtful rumor about John. And it hurt me as well. Like clockwork, the curse worked its magic and we saw ALL the perpetrators of the rumor at Wal-Mart the day before my birthday. Seriously. Every single person that spat the rumor was there! However silly it was, it wiggled in and made it a difficulty for us yesterday nonetheless. I got upset and grouchy. It was my fault. I let those idiots irritate me once again and they made me feel small again. Threatened again. I am supposed to me more mature in dealing with my emotions aren't I? Afterall, I'm 40.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Reunion with Cupid for Valentine's Day

With Valentine's in the namesake of my blog you have to know how special or how much Valentine's day has played into my life. Cupid is here with me today. He used to be my flat mate. For three years we lived together, talked, cried, laughed A LOT... even shared a few scary moments. Though it all we stayed the most amazing friends. So we thought we might talk about what life is like for both of us now four years after this blog has started.

Rebekah: Cupid, I remember when you got laid off and you turned up on my doorstep. I welcomed you in with open arms. I was so sad about your lot. I hoped I could help. How are you remembering that day four years later?

Cupid: Well my darling, it was the most difficult day in my life. Getting sacked as a bringer of love and happiness is no easy thing. I was boggled. Something drew me to your door. I had been hanging around you for a couple of years or so, on and off. I knew if I had the chance to regain any of my former self. I would find it in you. You never seemed to give up on love.

Rebekah: You've always been so kind to me. I love being in love I suppose. Maybe that's why we were always meant to somehow be in each others life. Even from the time that I was a little girl a Valentine with your picture on it, the big red and pink hearts... I just knew there could be nothing bad about this day! Yet, obviously as I got older that whole idea just seemed to be like reaching for stars.

Cupid: Funny thing about stars love... It has to be dark to see them doesn't it?

R: You're so missed... Now that love is all around this family I feel like I should be seeing more of you!

C: All of the cupids are drawn to those who are in love. It is an incredible thing to be promoted to a cupid for us. We seek out love like a little moth to the flame. We hope to fan it into exactly what you have. You're relationship and others like it are the pinnacle of our career!

R: I love your flattering words! My goodness we've been through so much! I'm so glad we were together in it all. I knew you would not fail me. I always trusted you... well, to a point!! You were grabbing for any straw there for a while buddy!

C: I know... I know... I so desperately wanted you to be happy! You're so kind and you had this great outlook before every date you went on. Trust me when I say - It wasn't YOU!

R: I am SO lucky to have you on my side! And I am glad that we made it through in the best way possible. I have to ask, when you got your job back, I hope it was my reference that made the difference to the higher ups.

C: Your reference made all the difference. When you told them how hard I worked, and that in the end it was my push that opened your heart to John... well, I was back with open arms. My colleagues are actually pushing me to go on the lecture circuit now to talk about our story.

R: WOW! Well, when you told John to propose to me at Tiffany's jewelry store... and picked out a ring circled in 'xoxoxox' that was more than brilliant... it was a dream come TRUE! Cupid, I would LOVE for you to share your stories on the blog... Could you do that? Be my guest blogger from time to time? Tell us about what's going on in the world of love? Trust me when I say we could team up on some great stories. The great ones and the sad ones.

C: I'd love to!! But I really have go to get going. Thanks for letting me catch up on this amazing day. I've got to go and set some things up in southern California for a lost couple. But I will be back very soon to write up some great love stories!

R: Thanks again for coming by. I hope we see you again soon. Hugs to you on your amazing day.

C: And love to you... Happy Valentine's Day <3 p="">

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A World of Wonder

I've been having one of those weeks and I guess thoughts and feelings... well, they are coming to a boil. I just stopped what I was working on for a moment from time to time to gather my boiling thoughts. It's also going to be Valentine's Day this week! So I need time to prepare a special blog. Just need to get these cobwebs cleared first!

For the last couple of weeks I've been trying to finish several blog posts that I've started. None seem to be 'floating my boat' as it would have it. But I keep thinking of random things I'd like to say. Even if they don't go together I feel like I'd like to get them out.

Things I'd like to tell Xan as he grows up... (of course this list is in progress)

Everyone can speak a secret language.
Look for the details that everyone else will miss.
Listen to the wind.
Find your happiness in everything you do, even if someone won't notice.
Love with all your heart.
Try to do it right the first time, you may not have a chance to go back.
There's always something...
Kindness is always the best idea.
To see the stars, it has to be dark.
Making mistakes is part of being an inventor of creative ideas.
Your life's dreams should scare you a little.
I love you more than those four little letters could ever hold.
You're the greatest work of art I've ever made.
The truth, no matter how difficult, delivered with kindness and respect will always be less hurtful than a lie.
Be kind to yourself.
Right is right even if no one is doing it, Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.

The nerd in me...
I looked at one of Xan's toys just now. There is a small rattle on it. There are 2 red beads, 3 purple beads and 3 aqua colored beads. I wondered what element it might represent. I hope Xan gets this curiosity.

In the Lord of the Rings movie, when the whole group is on the way to Mordor, the dwarf doesn't know the password to get into his own mine? What did the Orks change the locks on the engraving while they were away?

Harry gets expelled for doing magic, in front of a muggle. He is informed by a talking envelope in front of the same muggle. True story.

Things that make me go hmmm...
Revenge is sweet, revenge is a dish best served cold... is revenge ice cream?
Karma isn't a bitch, unless you are. Love it. Believe it.
Never trust a skinny cook. Why? Because they cook healthy food. Obesity epidemic what??

I always pause at word pairings like:
Criminal Justice - What side are you on?
Mechanically separated - When applied to sorting mail, I'm fine. When applied to a meat product... um. That is all of a sudden A LOT of information.
Information Architect - OH. You organize a little computer code and you can call yourself an architect. They even read a pattern language. So, I didn't need 7 yrs of school, 3 yrs of internship and 9 exams (a lot of $$$ spent) to call myself an architect. that stings a little. or a lot.

Awesome pictures in my head from a turn of phrase...
Toast of the Town