Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ready for 2014. DIY Happiness.

So, I title this DIY happiness. What am I getting at? Basically, what we choose to focus on in our lives does make us happier. However, I can't help but also being the victim of having SUCH a busy scattered unfocused life for so long that I feel like I'm literally missing something if I'm not constantly physically or mentally moving, searching, looking, improving myself... i must be human or something?...

will i ever be good enough? will i ever be successful

The absolute truth of the matter is... how will I ever know? How will I ever know if I'm good enough or successful if I'm constantly thinking I need to improve, need to do better, need to keep setting stronger, faster, better... unattainable goals. I say they are unattainable because I have not yet attained them in my imagination. I've focused on what I haven't done for too long. I have started a list of things I have done! What I have accomplished! Who cares if I set the goal or not... I did things that I didn't even know I wanted to do! And I am happy.

What I've been focusing on since 2010 (actually 2008). The "goals" that I thought were necessary to be happy and successful. I've focused on the fact I haven't attained them. I've focused on the how do I get them BACK. Yuck. It's really like wanting a bad relationship back. Bad Ju Ju. Letting GO!! Remove the trash!!!

Goal Unattained: In my 12 years of employment I would never make senior architect; nor senior planner at any firm that I worked in. Layoffs make it very difficult. My last corporate employment ended in 2010. It ended on a very, very, very sad and sour note. With my boss/ supervisor at the time on January 3rd making his last words to me:

"Happy frickin' New Year Rebekah."

I wish those words still didn't echo as loud as they do. I just wanted to squash him. But I just walked away as tall as I could.

But what did occur, was better than any goal 
I could have ever set for myself.

Goal that wasn't set... But what just "happened": I spoke with a woman that had been in touch earlier about a project for my former firm. However, I confided in her... I might be on the chopping block. Tammy, who would become a dear friend, on New Year's Eve 2011 would offer me the chance to start my own firm by contracting directly with me to prepare a series of documents for her that would keep me employed for 2 years. I now have my own firm. I have clients. I have published documents, plans and implemented policies and strategies. I did that with an incredible team (that wasn't a firm) in a small rural town.

THAT {to me} is DIY Happiness: Open yourself up to the world in a different way!! Don't ever let ANYONE hold your happiness key in their pocket. I really do believe that what you put into the world is what you get back... 3 fold... 10 fold... I have steady employment now that comes in from here and there. If I could focus more, I'm sure I'd get more! But I have Xan. He is my priority and my bit of the universe knows that. It hands me what I can realistically deal with. I really do appreciate that!!

I thought that if I had a title, a cool firm to work for, a boss to praise me, a team to work with... I could be fulfilled with everything that was my dream career... those have been my goals for YEARS! Even up to the end of this year I was begging for jobs. Sending out my resume to everyone I knew...

Nope. Not in the stars for me. And I focused on the rejection the lack of support. I forgot to focus on the work that was on my desk. The support from friends and family. That the phone that was ringing. Not to mention the orders that came into my Etsy shop, the creativity that I'm using everyday! THAT is what I need to put my positive energy into. My do-it-yourself business is REAL happiness. My blog header, my Etsy shop header... my about page says it! Why am I not meditating on it?? I meant it when I wrote it!! I love putting a happy message into the world. I want people to feel happy when they get one of my cards or pieces of art in the mail. I think of them when I am producing my work. I think... "I want the person who receives this to smile! I want to brighten their day!"
Not only is your food made with love... but this spoon... was stamped with LOVE!! xox

"I know that my inner cupid is not necessarily trying to get other people together... but to bring out the best in myself... and leave the people that I meet with a better sense of who they are too. Mother Teresa said (much more eloquently) that we should leave each person that crosses our path better than we found them. I think that goes for meeting on the internet too." -- from my welcome page xox

What I have done/ what I'm doing:

  • Started up the Etsy store and focused on my art. Painting, stamping, wire, paper! All my favorite things!
  • I have a successful planning/ architecture practice that gives John and I extra income every few months.
  • I stay home with Xan and we have grown together like I could never have imagined. I love him so much!!
  • I work from HOME!! {sometimes in PJs} I choose who I work with. No abusive bosses or co-workers!!
  • I paint every morning. sigh... awesome.
  • I have a loving, sweet, and adoring husband that supports me through whatever comes into my head next. Essential for any kind of artistic person!!
  • I have moved home to Michigan to be closer to friends and family that I love dearly. My life is filled with so much more with them near John, Xan and I.
  • I love being in my grandparent's old home. Yes, it needs love... but we can do it!
  • 2014 is more Etsy marketing, craft shows and art focused. Planning and architecture will become the catalyst for doing art; not the other way around!! 
  • I will let go of the relationships that have hurt me. I will let go of the goals that hurt me. I will let go of them because I am tired of their echos interfering with my future.
  • No more goals. Direction is better.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Give: For the Love of Love!

hand colored watercolor cards. i'm having fun with images and sketching cute little animals and insects :) more will be coming along on my Etsy site. https://www.etsy.com/shop/RebekahsValentine?ref=si_shop

i love wire and hearts... what a combination! add a little velvet ribbon... so pretty!!

my flatware collection is growing... and hopefully i'm improving my techniques as well. you'll see i'm off the mark a little, but improving!! certainly looks handmade!!
I'm having so much fun coming up with valentine ideas. I hope that I will have more time to spend on them. Only a month away and I feel like I've been procrastinating! xoxo

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Love: hand stamped sterling silver flatware!!

Okay. I had to have a set of these stamps as soon as I saw them.

Now... what to punch and stamp... After researching a bit online for cool gifts and jewelry I settled on silverware. I had a bunch from my grandmother that was a bit disheveled and not a complete set. I don't know where most of the pieces are... So I went to TOWN! Throw on a bit of angry music - Florence & the Machine or Nitzer Ebb... or both...

Forks are definitely the hardest... Small amount of space and I think they are stainless tines. {?}

'a' and 'k' are also difficult letters! 'b' is also... but practice makes perfect!!

i want to get a <3 stamp="" td="">

i sold this one about 10 minutes after i posted it!! i've ordered more spoons to keep this one going...

i may have to keep this one... it really makes me smile!! LOL!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holiday Brightness. The rainboot.

A new card set at my Etsy shop. I'm giddy with these colors. Maybe it's a reaction to my killer bright christmas tree... the stark white needing a POP. I don't know! But I'm having fun and these cards make me smile. I hope that they will bring a little smile to you too.

The white tree and color lights circa 1968/70, silver tree skirt 1980 and ornaments from 1930 to 2013.

Smiling is my FAVORITE!! {buddy the elf}

Friday, December 13, 2013

Etsy... Hotness. Nuff Said.

So, I open my daily email from Etsy this morning for a little inspiration before I start painting. I see a new selection tab in the corner... I took a little screen shot for ya. If I ever became a web designer. I would certainly recommend this selection to my clients for projects, items whatever!! I wanted to click it immediately and see if I could sort by awesome, sexy and even funky. Hotness. There you have it.
I hope someday to make this list of hotness.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Instant Breakfast Cookies

Yesterday, I finally got the time or well inclination... to do something I've had my brain 'baking' on. Xan isn't so excited about the last 3 flavors of his instant oatmeal. Cinnamon spice, maple and brown sugar and the original flavor. The apple cinnamon flew out of the box alright, but these last three I have to mash up bananas, add apple sauce etc. He can't feed himself with a spoon quite yet. The little fork he has is getting some limited use, but if I have some work to do early I need a good breakfast that he can feed to himself. And one can only eat so many pancakes and french toast!! Even though I've gotten quite clever at adding good things to the pancakes!!

AND my other motivation... I have also been spending too much money on Nutrigrain bars which I know darn well I could be making myself... again TIME. Ugh.

Onto packages of unused instant oatmeal equals breakfast cookie... I grabbed one of each flavor... hmmm... need flour, brown sugar, {i have no eggs...} flax meal, almond milk, and little oil... I will use more applesauce than oil... OH I will need baking aids {powder/ soda}

Here it is as I fly by the seat of my pants... IT WORKED!! I've baked these twice now. They are super soft and cake like. The oatmeal flavors are perfect together and these little babies are really inexpensive! I bought this huge box from Sam's Club... so I've got plenty of these on the way.

All you need is a bowl and a fork!! I have one of those handy ice cream scoopy things for plopping cupcake batter etc. They work perfect for these cookies. Probably holds 1/3 of cup of batter. I think it says 5 oz... Anyway, it is a great investment!

Preheat oven to 350

Instant Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies {makes 8}

3 packages of Instant Oatmeal
1/2 c unbleached flour
1/4 c brown sugar
1T flax meal {no flax meal? you could also substitute a 1/2 smashed up banana!}
1/2 t baking soda
1/4 t baking powder
{mix dry ingredients together}
3 T of water
2 T of almond milk
1 T of vegetable oil
1/2 c applesauce

Mix well... drop onto cookie sheet and bake for 12 minutes.


John thought I bought a scone mix... I kinda took that as a great compliment!! Xan devours these and I get to sit next to him typing up requests for proposals :) AHHH... ain't life grand!!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Love: Creating Your Own Color Palettes

I'm obsessed with color combinations. Seems to be kind of a theme lately. My friend Lindsay just shared a sweet new game with me since I posted the color challenge. And it has me thinking about color all the time. Oh, right. I already think about color all the time. {smiley here}

Did you know you can create your own color palettes from photos and such?? I know you've all probably come across at least ONE Design Seeds image... Well, you know you can do that too!

One way I get my own inspirational color palettes is through Kuler. www.kuler.adobe.com
If you don't spend at least half a day on the website the first time you visit... You aren't the addict I thought you were. I don't even remember what the stock palettes were on my Illustrator board were. I have so many of my own, or have downloaded others. It will make you SO happy. {Go there... after you finish reading this of course!}

Okay... if you also want to create palettes from images, I will give you a little push. Here's one I did just now for YOU! {clicky here} to see it on the website and browse my other palettes.

I made it from this photo that I took of my closet door when I got my first iphone. The iphone that I bought specifically because of the Hipstamatic app at the time. Yeah, I wish I was joking too. I was obsessed...

You can make your palettes private or public. And the public will use them and take the liberty of telling you how awesome or how disgusting your palette is. Yes, I have one comment that said my palette is disgusting. I think they may be color blind or just something pressing on their brain. Send them love. Have a colorful day! xo

Sunday, November 24, 2013

DIY Holiday Cards: Watercolor Paper Testing/ Review

Just a little post for those who paint watercolors, especially cards... The watercolor paper that strathmore makes "pre-made" cards out of is HORRIBLE! DISGUSTING! CRAP! {of course that is my humble opinion - maybe I'm a bit harsh} I have been cutting my own paper because I had a nice stash of it and thought... huh. Maybe I will make my life a little simpler and order some pre-cut stock that even comes with envelopes! What a disappointment :(. I knew it was going to be a lot heavier than what I was using... and a little textured. But the worse part is that the paper is like 4 ply card stock and feels like it's been covered in wax. The color can't even saturate the paper because NO water can get to it. There's no layering to be done because the paint sits on top. It's just frustrating. My brilliant red looks like a weird pink. Glad I only bought one pack. I will need to find another craft for those things.

I'm back to cutting up my pretty sheets of Aquarius! Might be time to invest in a paper cutter... or see if a local shop might cut it for me?? My Christmas cards will hopefully get out on time this year! But this might cramp my style for the Etsy shop I'm trying to start! I am a stickler for quality... and I need a lot of these. {just in case right?!?!}

So, let me, let you {other watercolor artists out there} in on a little secret for pretty cards that feel like letterpress... I was introduced to Aquarius II by a former employer. It is amazing and it runs through your printer like butter. I typically sketch in ink, scan it in, clean it up a little in photoshop then print the drawing on my watercolor for painting. It's my process mostly because I still have that fear of making a mistake on paper I paid a lot of money for! It also allows me to sketch anywhere... in a book or on a sheet of paper and still turn it into a watercolor. Many of my fellow architecture colleagues already know these secrets... but hey... now YOU are in the circle!

If you haven't tried the Aquarius II. I highly recommend this paper. PLUS, if you want to do a huge-o-mungus painting (22x30 let's say...) you don't have to wet and staple this paper. Get a nice flat surface and tape it down! Magic. It is also bright bright white so your colors pop immediately. I went to two classical schools that worked on Ivory 140lb. Strathmore or the like. I've got the same stuff from Italy... but as I paint more for clients and my little cards... I like BRIGHT! It looks great on the web too.

Painted on Strathmore "card paper", scanned at 300dpi, saved as jpg high
Both of these cards are the same scale. I painted each of them on a 5x7 piece of paper. I did not retouch either photo! Promise! The red on the trailer {tried to do three passes, the base just kept coming up} actually looks a tinge better on my screen now. It looks terrible in person though... alizarin crimson is what I used straight out of the tube. I usually throw a bit of Sepia in to tone out the blue, but I wanted a striking red to feel Christmasy! I did two passes on the car and it looks solid and lovely. I suppose it is what your after... but I love this bright white paper. I don't have to retouch and can put it right up on Etsy. The green is SO different as well... but my sketches turned out pretty nice.
Painted on Aquarius II, scanned at 300dpi, saved as jpg high
Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts on watercolor papers and such that you love to use. I will keep posting my holiday images I've got a retro theme going this year. I think I'm going to do

Friday, November 22, 2013

On the boards. Friday Edition

I'm getting better at using my technology to post sooner! I've been working a little this morning and sketched up this woody for a holiday card... Now what goes on top?? 

Tree?? Snowboard!?! Skis? Surfboard?? Snowman...? Who knows! I will update you tomorrow!! Sorry for the cliffhanger!! Vote if you'd like!!

I'm also painting the car in navy blue... Red just felt so happy and Christmasy. I need to add the yellow tone to the door and side panel yet as well. I've got a street scene coming up soon as well. I will update this post later this afternoon I hope! It all depends on how Xan will enjoy me drawing in the room next to him when he wakes from his nap.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I don't know what you're talking about. But it sounds illegal.

I've been making a ton of cards for Etsy, for gifts, and just having fun painting lately...

If you've seen the Fantastic Mr. Fox as many times as I have... you know this scene completely. If you haven't seen it... watch it. Immediately!! I will post some fun DIY christmas things soon.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Color Me Lovely - The Color Challenge!

I was hanging out on some of my favorite inspirational blogs this morning and I came across a very fun {to me} color challenge on Garance Dore's blog. PS... if you don't look at her blog... you should!! - http://www.garancedore.fr/

It is exactly as she says... one person sees green... another sees brown or yellow tones. I came across that A LOT when I was mixing paint at Lowe's for a bit. Take the challenge today if you'd like and share your results.

Rebekah's Results

Overall Rank for my age...

Click HERE for the challenge!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Meet LaFawnduh - My Muse as we open Rebekah's Valentine the Etsy shop!

LaFawnduh is *the* best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm 100% positive she's my soul mate. Don't worry Napoleon, I'm sure there's a babe out there for you too. 
Peace out. -Kip

I've been working hard on getting some new items photographed for the Esty shop. Which got the name change approved yesterday and is officially... REBEKAH'S VALENTINE!!! Holy crap... I feel like a real brand now!!

Making everything has been a breeze and so much fun! It's listing that is the killer... It takes days. Seriously... Tonight I just went for it because when the lighting is great for natural photos, Xan isn't having it! I decided to go a little retro for the shoot and used the hipstamatic. Let me know what ya think! Too grungy?? I would love clean and sleek... but then again, thats not really me... I'm a little rough around the edges and messy so I guess this photography fits me better! Plus, I think it lends to the handmade look.

All of the hearts are made from a dictionary I found upstairs. It was copyright 1956. Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language. Personally, I find that entire title waaayyy too amusing!! I couldn't fold that page just because!! A NEW WORLD dictionary of the AMERICAN language. Please tell me that isn't lost on you. I'm such a nerd. And for the record... I speak English.

Anyway... have a laugh and check out our new handmade cards and LaFawnduh's debut! I've got a few more on the way that are a bit on the cheeky side too.
Advent calendar origami hearts

LaFawnduh helps show off the size and pocket of the origami hearts

little pink houses watercolor card

blank watercolor heart card

watercolor heart gift tags

little pocket blank origami heart card.

i still chuckle. i'm a dork...